Chiropractic Care For Children

Pediatric Chiropractic Care Specialist
When it comes to treatment, conventional therapy, such as drugs, is most difficult for children. Chiropractic care for your child can help them become healthier and happier without taking too much medication.
Chiropractic care for children is a safe, non-medical, and non-surgical approach to treating several pediatric medical conditions. It works pretty similarly to adults. Pediatric chiropractors work just like a pediatrician. At our chiropractic practice in Tacoma, WA, a chiropractor first takes a detailed history, performs an examination, and subsequently orders relevant tests to determine your child’s problem and rule out any contraindications.
We then formulate a treatment plan covering all your child’s needs, including physical therapy, nutritional supplements, and dietary advice. Based on the issue, we may even help your child through either spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, or gentle massaging and strengthening exercises.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care
It is chiropractic care for kids in which we use a non-medical and non-surgical approach to treat neuromuscular and psychological conditions in children. We also treat other childhood problems such as bedwetting, colic, and headache, etc.
We give support to your child’s back by using spinal manipulation to treat problems like spinal misalignment. It is a common complaint in babies where they sit, crawl and fall many times because they cannot walk.
Spinal trauma is frequently seen in children following birth and is associated with:
- Colic
- Acid reflux
- Problem with breastfeeding
Stress can also cause problems in children like:
- Behavioral changes
- Sleeping problems
- Headache
Regular chiropractic adjustments reduce these symptoms and help cope with stress.
Other problems that a chiropractor can cure are:
- Bedwetting
- Earaches or infections
- Childhood injuries
- Nerve compression disorders
We may also perform alternative methods such as massage, acupuncture, and manual therapy if necessary.
Benefits Of Chiropractic Care In Children
There are numerous benefits of approaching a pediatric chiropractor for your child’s care.
- Regular Spinal adjustments fix subluxations and minor injuries that occur while playing and usually go unnoticed but manifest later in life
- Reduces earache and headache pains
- It treats constipation, gas, and allergies in babies. It also reduces the severity of colic in children, helping both parents and babies go through it smoothly
- Torticollis is a condition causing the head to tilt to an odd angle and is treatable through the chiropractic adjustment
- Manage asthma. Spinal adjustments release pressure on the nerves that may affect the bronchioles, lungs, or diaphragm.
- Manage sinus congestion, ear infections, draining ears, and allergies
- Restores a misaligned spine to its proper position after childbirth to help the baby with breastfeeding
- Reduces the risk of injuries and complications to the child’s growing bones
- Realigns spinal subluxations induced by childhood trauma like falls
- As misaligned vertebrae disturb sleep, spinal adjustments help with sleeping problems
- Reduce stress in children.
- Manage childhood psychological conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Reduces the occurrence of seizures and manages sensory processing disorders
- Strengthens pelvic floor muscles, which helps stop bedwetting
How Can I tell If my Child needs Chiropractic Care
A grown-up child can explain the problem they are suffering. However, small children cannot communicate well. All they can do is cry to convey that they are in discomfort.
It is essential to understand your child’s problems and symptoms to ascertain if your child needs chiropractic care. Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for:
- Constant, inconsolable crying
- Stopping playing
- Drowsiness
- Irritability
- Not showing interest in any new activity
- Systemic findings like fever, redness of the face, breathing difficulty
- An older child may tell about the pain and its location
Tacoma Chiropractic Health Connection Clinic provides the best pediatric chiropractic care. We use our experience and knowledge to provide the highest quality of care to our patients.
Contact us to book an appointment if you are experiencing back pain.